message of the day: miku miku beam !!

Blog entries!!

5/9/2024 - holy shit html was a mistake

After a lot of putting it off, I have finally figured out a somewhat decent code for the blog page. Most of the struggle I was having was border CSS and scrolling issues, but it wasn't actually that hard to code. I've just been tired lately. I'll most likely update this page a lot more in the coming weeks, but at least there's content in it now.

In other news, it's been an entire week since I last updated this site! Pretty insane considering two weeks ago I was spending 3+ hours a day learning + using html, but after a couple weeks of that, I figured I should take a break. I've still been changing minor details here and there, but over the past few days I've been giving myself a bit of a break. I'll probably be progressing far more slowly now, considering 3+ daily hours of html probably isn't the best for me, but I'll still be working hard on it! Hopefully soon I'll actually start on the graphics, since I've been procrastinating on that for weeks now. We'll see.