Miku miku beam !!


I'm well aware i'm not alone in the massive impact that Vocaloid has made on my life- It's been incredibly important to be since I started listening, and has been one of my interests that never faded. I've been an avid vocaloid fan for years, and the lively community and well-made music has been with me through many highs and lows, making for one of my most cherished interests of all time.

I got into vocaloid a little while after my interest in anime was piqued, having been led to a high-qiality cover of 'aishite aishite aishite' by a reccomendation from a friend of mine. She had mentioned it in revelance to whatever anime I was watching at the time, but, hours of listening on repeat later, I found myself curious of what the original sounded like.

I had heard of Vocaloid before, but had no idea what it was at the time- Of course, little me had heard of Hatsune Miku in all her greatness- but I had never actually sat down to listen until then. Chances are that, before that point, I'd heard Popipo or Miku before, but never quite knowing I was listening to the voice of a virtual idol. I wasn't sure how it all worked, but a google search told me most of what I needed to know, and 'aishite aishite aishite' was only the beginning. I tried new songs based on reccomendations from friends, and music videos youtube thought i'd like- and, soon, it was nearly all I listened to.

I started as a typical, mildly annoying Vocaloid fan- To start off, I only listened to the most popular songs that found their way onto my for-you page, and the only characters I knew much about were the CryptonLoids. However, the more I listened, the more I learned. After about a year of nothing but Vocaloid, I had begun to discern tastes and preferences. I had favorite producers, and begun to branch out with listening to more than just the crypton-owned vocaloids I'd seen on advertising. To me, it was more than just music- I found songs that I related to unlike any others I'd heard before, and a community full of like-minded people I felt safe around. Nothing made me happier than dancing to a Miku Expo concert in my basement, and I spent my free time analyzing and watching music videos. I was part of a community willing to accept me, and had found a safe place.

Vocaloid has been very important to me for a long time, from the songs to the community- and I wanted to immortalize it via the internet. This shrine is dedicated to my thoughts, MV theories, favorites, and really anything to do with Vocaloid.

The rest of this page is under construction. Kyoi will update it later. Maybe. Who knows?

Favorite producers

Guchiry Shikiura Sougou Neru Balloon Deco*27


Guchiry is one of the somewhat less well-known producers I love. Their music is typically a bit dark and features touchy subjects, but, at this point, that's a staple of vocaloid music in general. Guchiry is one of my favorite producers because their songs usually have a storyline to follow, and various hidden details- as well as one of the tastiest artstyles I've ever seen. I've been a fan of theirs for quite some time now.

Shikiura Sougo

Shikiura Sougo songs have such a calm atmosphere... I remember being drawn to their music because their music videos have no titles on youtube, but their music style is one of my favorites. A lot of their songs feature background noise like running water that adds something special to their music, and, similarly to Guchiry, their songs tell stories. Shikiura is one of the least well-known producers I know, which I feel is incredibly unfair- Their music deserves more attention than it gets. I highly suggest looking into their music.


Neru is an undeniable classic- Many well-known songs come from them, and they're known for their common usage of Rin and Len's voicebanks- But, that aside, Neru's songs are some of my favorites for their instrumentals. Neru songs almost always feature some sort of rock-inspired instrumentals, and many of my favorites have harsh guitar solos- I think the way they use their instrumentals only serves to make the lyrics better, and the songs themselves are delighful.


Balloon is one of my favorite's for the jazz-esc instrumentals, along with lyrics. The lyrics always go perfectly with the instrumentals, and a lot of their songs have aa personal meaning to me. Balloon songs have a lot of feeling in them, which is surprising considering the nature of Vocaloid- Tuning a vocaloid to sound so emotional takes talent, and I applaud them for it.


I've seen a lot of people saying that Deco is the 'white bread' of Vocaloid, but THOSE PEOPLE ARENT MILGRAM FANS. for those who don't know, Deco has a music project called Milgram that not only has its own original bangers but has their characters make covers of original Deco songs. Despite being super popular and sometimes steryotyped as 'basiic', Deco songs are classics, and go viral for good reason.

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